A sneak peek into the world of Eclipse is what a lot of fans have been demanding for the past few months. Actually since the release of New Moon to be precise, the trailer that has everyone interested is said to last 7 minutes and is all about Eclipse. The trailer release date is set on the same day and included with the deluxe edition of New Moon. This means that March 20, 2010 is the day we've all been waiting for!
MTV has announced that the Eclipse trailer would be included as a promotion to increase sales at Walmart, which is ridiculous. Don't worry we will present you with the movie trailer in question as soon as it leaks online.
To wet everyone's appetite here's a sneak peek into the Eclipse Movie from Kristen Stewart
She might be less popular because of the man appeal of Edward, but Kristen is a fantastic actress nonetheless, she has charm and a captivating way of speaking and expressing herself. The Twilight Saga wouldn't be what it is without her wits and charm.
"This first-look at 'The Twilight Saga: Eclipse' then concludes with the world premiere of an actual scene from the film between Bella and Edward that will surely have "Twilight" fans swooning. "
Fan us on Facebook so we can notify you as soon as we get a hand on that trailer! And comeback on the 20th for the first official look at the Eclipse Movie Trailer.