Summit Entertainment is presenting us with a Twilight Eclipse movie trailer sneak peek:
Eclipse Movie Plot:
"Bella and her vampire love Edward can finally be together, the only problem is that vampires live forever.." www.3dmovie-trailer.com
Riley is a newborn vampire who was made, or brought over as some would say by the murderous Victoria and his role was to be the big boss of an army of newborn vamps. Who are all stronger but more inexperienced with their powers than the older ones. So his task is to kill all the vampires protecting Bella and Edward...
That looks really cool! More Twilight Eclipse Pics would be nice. And don't you just love the new baby vampire???
well that was dumb. he is just mostly walking around, but wen he duz do something, he's like dropping 2 his knees or swingin around. not tryin 2 b rude, i just hope it makes more since on the big screen. c ya! p.s. it is cool that u got footage of him rehersing. sorre if i came across as a snot.
i have one question...
did Bella get merried for Edward?!
please somebody tell me answer...my e-mail is nika.mohoric@net.hr or facebook
Niksi Trixi Mohoric
I cannot wait! I am such a HUGE fan of the saga :)
Team Jacob all the way!
P.S: It would be amazing too meet the ENTIRE cast and crew! I have SO MANY questions!
I can't wait to see the 3rd book - eclipse! im so excited! it'll be more action and romance.i love you bella and edward.
I can't wait for this one and the next movie to come out! But if you haven't yet, read the books---completely addictive!
the books are so addictive i ordered all four off the internet and then read them all in the space of 3 days! i just couldn't put them down. if eclipse is anything like the book its going to be absolutley amazing!! has to be team edward all the way!
Love all the books and the movies so far have been really close to the books so cant wait for eclipse as my favorite book of the series!!
my whole family is addicted to the saga/ and its one of our fav. topics to talk about at work. i cant wait to see the next movie. i just wish that it wasnt going to end. i want to now what happens to them all when they get older.
i absolutely CANNOT wait!!! i am about to have a heart attack if i wait any longer! :)
OMG!!!!! twilight is so so awesome i read all the books and i can't wait!!!!I talk about twilight every single day, i am way to addicted!once i see Eclipse in theaters with my friends i might faint and i might have to have an abulance come!!!!!!:D
p.s.i am team Jacob allllll the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
from what i have found out about the movie its going to be great i cant wait.
hay dont hate twilight it is the bom digady dog and the best movie i have ever seen.
these movies really pussy out vampires. sad for people who are old enough to care about the reputation of the night creatures.
I know this is not really important but I was wondering why bella and edward have a disney cars toddler blanket between them. My son had that on his bed.
omg! 1:19/1:20 Lautner is fat!! ahhh! eeewwww
soo excited....thats all=]
I am fan of the books but the movies leave so much out I mean the story is suppost to be about bella and edwards love for each other I think they play to much on jacob and bell i mean we have all read the books and we know who she ends up with so stick to the story line of the books
I just saw the trailer and now I'm moreexcited than before. I CAN'T WAIT, WISH IT WAS JUNE 30TH ALREADY!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
OMG this trailer made it look like Eclipse was going to be the BOMB! I cant wait. I really liked the 1st movie. Then New Moon came out and I was loving the whole Wolf thing. I hope she choose Jacob. I love Jacob. He so handsome and rough looking. LOL, Edward kinda scare me. LOL
twilight is NNOOTT as good as hp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no no no
i love the twilight saga,but they leave a lot out of the movies,everyone knows that bella is going to choose edward. eclipse looks really good becuase of the director,David Slade,he is a dark director so he was good for this one..i think breaking dawn will be the most awkward for people,but eclipse for bella and jacob(kristen&taylor) there scenes may be uncomfortable for them,and for rob. but so far this movie looks amazing
you should check out Breaking Dawn the latest book, it was fab couldnt put it down !!
jacob.... u dunno me. bt i consider u mah dreeeem boy. u wont even realise in how many dreams of mine i hav seen u as a lover of mine. just luvin....luvin....luvin nd luvin me in as many ways as u cant even think of. hope u wud mail me. mah e-mail adress iz amrita_singh203@yahoo.com. nd as u know how indians are known for their desperation of luv... em 1 of those desperado :~) luv u lot... take care.
I wish Taylor Lautner knows my existence:X Im crazy over him...
I stopped myself from watching any videos or looking at pictures of Eclipse before seeing the film as I didn’t want to ruin the experience. Having read the book before the movie, I fell in love with the book and couldn’t wait to see the film and I was not disappointed at all. My favourite parts of Eclipse have to be one of the beginning scenes when the Cullen are chasing after Victoria and the part in the tent! I went to see the film 3 times in the cinema within 2 weeks and now I’m just waiting for the DVD release which isn’t a long wait.
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